Friday, October 15, 2010

School note October 14th

Dear Parents,

The Parents Association hosted a talk on Shared Reading last Monday night. Ms Siobhan Doherty gave a very interesting presentation on this topic. Over 40 parents attended and it was deemed most worthwhile.

The Annual Recycling Day organised by the Parents Association takes place tomorrow Friday October 15th. All bags will be collected by 10 a.m. Please bring directly to the Halla.

The next meeting of the Parents Association will take place in the Halla on Tuesday October 19th at 8.30 p.m. All are welcome.

School will be closed for all pupils  on Monday next October 18th. for School Development Planning.

Second Class visited Currachase this week as part of National Tree Week. A most interesting time was enjoyed by all involved.

The pupils of Third Class have completed their course on Cycling Safety with Mr John Clancy of the Cycling Safety School. They received their certificates yesterday. Well done to all and a special word of thanks to John Clancy for his excellent work.

Our school Gaelic Football teams have been playing in under 11 and under 13 competitions for both boys and girls. A special thanks to Mr Lordan, Mr Sheehy and Ms Fitzgerald for al their work in preparing these teams.

Rose Merrigan. Secretary, Ballybrown Senior Citizens Committee has asked me to include the following: If you are 16 or over and would like to help raise funds for the Ballybrown Senior Citizens Annual Christmas Lunch, we are looking for volunteers to help with bag packing in Dunnes Stores, Jetland on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 October. Any time you have available would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact Margaret at 087 2107934 or Anne at 087 2122842.


 Gach dea-ghuĂ­




J. Lyons
