1. Useful Math's Web Sites
2. How to teach subtraction
3. P.A.T. - Phonological Awareness Training
4. Using Building
Bridges of Understanding
5. Internet Safety Training
1. Useful Math's Web Sites:
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
1st Class
2nd Class
3rd Class
4th Class
5th Class
6th Class
Other Useful Maths Sites:
2. How to teach Subtraction
Tables 4 - 2 = 2 Four take away two equals two
Subtracting single digit numbers without renaming Computation 1
0 6
- 4
Tens & units columns at the top;
Begin with the units
Start at the top….
6 take away four is 2
Subtracting two or three digit numbers without renaming. Computation 2
2 4
- 1 2
1 2
Tens & units columns at the top. Begin with the units
Start at the top….
4 take away 2 is 2…•
Move on to the tens•
2 take away 1 is 1 etc.....
Subtracting two or three digit numbers with renaming. Computation 3
4 4
- 1 6
2 8
Tens & units columns at the top• Begin with the units•
Start at the top….
4 take away 6 - I cannot do! …Rename a ten (leaving 3) into units •
Cross out the four ,leaving three• 14 take away 6 is 8•
Move on to the tens• 3 take away 1 is 2
Subtracting three digit numbers with renaming (and with zero tens) Computation 4
H T u
5 0 4
- 2 1 6
2 8 8
Hundreds, Tens & units columns at the top
Begin with the units
Start at the top….4 take away 6 - I cannot do! …Rename a ten - But there are no tens –Go to the Hundreds – Rename a 100 making ten tens in the tens column•
Begin with the units
Start at the top….4 take away 6 - I cannot do! …Rename a ten - But there are no tens –Go to the Hundreds – Rename a 100 making ten tens in the tens column•
Start again
4 take away 6 - you cannot do! …Rename a ten - Cross out the ten , leaving nine.
Put the units with the units and the tens with the tens.
14 take away 6 is 8
9 take away 1 is 8
4 take away 2 is 2
3. P.A.T. Phonological Awareness Training
This programme is designed to help children to read and write phonically regular words. By this method children who have some knowledge of single sound/symbol associations of the alphabet, can learn to spell and read many words through using commonly occurring “rimes”. The programme takes ten minutes daily and is used in Ballybrown school from junior infants to third class.
This exercise should not be regarded as a spelling programme as the technique involved is specific to phonological awareness training. The daily practise of reading and writing these words is followed by a simple dictation exercise on Fridays
4. Building Bridges of Understanding
As a result of our recent School
Self-Evaluation Process, one of the areas we have prioritised for development
is Comprehension.
' Building Bridges of
Understanding' is a whole school approach to the
teaching of comprehension devised by Dr. Ann Courtney of the University of
Hartford, Connecticut, Dr. Martin Gleeson, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
and nine schools in the Munster area.
We have decided to implement this programme on a
whole school basis. ' Building Bridges of Understanding' is aimed at
giving children the strategies they need to become good readers.
Comprehension strategies are sets of
steps that good readers use to make sense of text. By learning about these
strategies, children can become more active readers. Comprehension strategy
instruction can help deepen their understanding of the text.
The comprehension strategies taught in
' Building Bridges of Understanding' are:
• Prediction
• Visualizing
• Making connections
• Questioning
• Clarifying
• De-clunking
• Inferring
• Determining Importance
• Synthesis
When working on each of these strategies the children learn a sign
or action (called a comprehension processing motion or ‘CPM’) to indicate when
they want to use that strategy during class reading.
Good readers make good guesses or predictions about what might
happen next in the story, using information they have gathered from the book
cover, the blurb, the pictures etc.. Children make a ‘P’ sign to indicate when
they want to make a prediction. Predictions can be made before, during or even
after the story Predictions do not have to be right. As more of the story is
heard, the predictions may change.
Visualizing while reading
is like making a movie in your head. It is your mental picture or image of what
is happening in the story. Good readers
have a picture in their head. Other senses such as sounds, smells and
feelings may also be used.
Making Connections:
Good readers make
connections between what they read in the story and things that have happened
to them in their lives or to people they know. Connections may also be made to
other books they have read, movies they have seen, or things that are happening
or have happened in the world. Connections can be text-to-text, text-to-self or
Children make a ‘W’ sign for ‘I wonder why . . .’ Good readers ask
themselves questions before, during and after reading. These questions can be
based on what they have read or seen in the book. They may sometimes be based on what is not shown or
said in the text. Some questions can be left unanswered by the author. Good
readers will use their own interpretation of the story to come up with their
own answers.
Children make a ‘C’ sign to indicate they need something clarified
or explained. This could be a word, phrase or idea that is confusing and needs
further explanation. Good readers always make sure that what they are reading
makes sense to them.
Readers always come across a word that they do not understand.
This is called a Clunk. They then need to ‘de-clunk’ it. The children learn
techniques for decoding these words through the de-clunking strategy. It might
involving breaking the words down into prefixes, suffixes etc.
Children make an ‘I’ symbol to show they want to infer. Inferring is reading between the lines to
determine what the author is hinting at, but not saying directly.
Determining Importance:
While reading a text, good
readers separate out the essential and non-essential information. They
determine what is important in the text. The determining importance strategy
helps children to identify, sort and order the key pieces of information in the
Synthesis is the skill of combining all the comprehension
strategies and applying them before, during and after reading. It allows the
reader to construct their own individual meaning from the text.
5. Internet Safety Training
are children doing online today?
Watching video clips
Listening to music
Social media
Instant Messaging
School Work
Playing Games Online
Regularly do things online together
Ask your child to show you their favourite sites
Remember that the positive aspects of the internet outweigh the negative
Use Parental Tools e.g. Youtube SafeMode and Google Safemode (see notes below)
Agree rules for using internet at home
Keep the computer/device where you can see it
Check history files
Have a presence on Social Media accounts – parents should know who is in their child’s contact book.
Encourage your child to tell a parent if they stumble across something unsuitable online
See also
is it so Popular?
Identity Formation
Hanging with Friends
are the Risks
Inappropriate Content
Commercial Pressure
do you respond to Cyberbullying? Tips to Keep Safe
Don’t Reply – keep a note of the date, time and content of message (keep message)
Block the number
Don’t get involved in sending, liking or forwarding nasty message
Tell someone you trust
If the problem persists inform the Gardai.
See also
on Safety Modes on your Laptop, PC, IPAD etc.
- Type in into web browser.
- Click on “Settings” in bottom right hand corner – the menu below show appear – click on “Search Settings”.
- The following screen will appear – tick the box “Turn on SafeSearch”. Once ticked scroll to the bottom of the screen and “Save”.
- Type in into web browser.
- Scroll down to the very bottom of the screen and look for “Restricted Mode” (see screen shot)
- Click “On” and then “Save”.
The above steps must be repeated across all devices in your home e.g.
laptop, IPAD, IPhone etc.. It is also necessary to repeat this step
across all internet browsers i.e. Internet Explorer, Safari, Google
Chrome etc.