Thursday, December 9, 2010

School note December 9th

Dear Parents,
                     I wish to bring the following to your attention.
There will be a Colours Day tomorrow Friday Dec 10th in aid of the school's Parents' Association.  Children are not required to wear their school uniform on that day. € 1 per child would be appreciated.
Sixth Class will hold the annual Fun Day in aid of the Fr. Gerry Daly fund on the following Friday December 17th.
Please read the note from the Parents' Association on the reverse of this page.
Congratulations to Michelle Maher, Fifth Class, who won a trip to Lapland for herself and her family.
Last Thursday, pupils from First to Fourth Class enjoyed a performance of 'Dick Whittington' by the West Midlands Theatre Company from Wolverhampton. It was an excellent production.
Thank you to the members of the Parents Association who braved the Arctic conditions to direct traffic in the Car Park this week. We continue to appeal to parents to be vigilant in the vicinity of the school.
Whatever about recession, Romance is blossoming in Ballybrown NS. Our best wishes go to Ms Linda Fitzgerald, Senior Infants teacher, who will wed Dan Ivess on Saturday. Congratulations also to Ms Sinead Fitzgerald, Sixth Class teacher, on her engagement last weekend and to Ms Mary O Connell, Special Needs teacher, who was married during the Hallowee'en break.
The Christmas pageant will take place in St Joseph's Church, Ballybrown on Monday Dec 20th. All carols will be posted on the website so you have no excuse for not joining in. Thanks to Mrs Dillon and Ms Mc Carthy for their efforts again this year.

J. Lyons