Dear parents,
We have had a very busy week in the school.
On Tuesday, Pat Broderick from Heritage Ireland visited the school. He brought his own churn with him and made butter. Over the course of the day, all children got the chance to turn the churn as he explained the process and the customs associated with buttermaking. Pat also demonstrated different styles of St Bridget's Cross to the classes and showed the children how the Crosses are made.
On Wednesday, we celebrated Grandparents Day as part of Catholic Schools Week. Fr. O Connor visited the school to take part in a prayer service. Afterwards, grandparents visited classes to share their childhood memories. It was a memorable day enjoyed by all and I want to thank all the grandparents who delighted their young audiences.
The Parents'Association will meet tonight in the school at 8.30.p.m. in the Halla.
Recently, all families were invited to vote on the School Tour issue. 126 votes were submitted for the school tour. 101 voted to hold the tour annually with 25 voting for the option of having the tour every two years.
The Parents Association recently presented a cheque for €1000 to the school to meet the cost of Art classes by Leonora O Sullivan. Leonora, who was our Artist in Residence last year, will start next week. I am grateful to the Parents Association for their continued commitment to the school.
A new Green Schools Committee, co-ordinated by Mrs Hodgins, Ms Mc Carthy and Ms Fitzgerald, has been appointed for 2011. Litter, recycling and energy conservation are the priorities. The new Committee is hard at work Thank you to all the members of last year's group for their excellent work. The members who stepped down were presented with certificates to honour their superb contribution.
Gach dea-ghuĂ,
J. Lyons