Dear parents,
I would like to welcome all parents and pupils back to school for this, the last term of the school year. Already, thoughts are turning to next school year. Shaw's of the Crescent Shopping Centre are stockists of the school uniform. Each family has received today a letter from Shaw's regarding options to help you budget for uniforms for next year. Please note: Plain Navy tracksuit bottoms please- no logos or stripes.
All classes will go on school tour on Thursday May 24th. –five weeks from today. Details of all tours are on the back of this note. Please give the money for each tour to your child's class teacher.
The school will be closed on Thursday May 31st. due to the upcoming Referendum. The Annual School Sports will take place the following day Friday June 1st.
Next Wednesday, the Green School Committee will organise the annual Spring Clean Day. We are extremely fortunate to work in such a beautiful unspoilt environment and everybody in the school community has a part to play in keeping the school so clean. Visitors to the school frequently remark on our idyllic location.
The next meeting of the school's Parents' Association will take place on Monday April 23rd. at 8.30 p.m.
Don't forget that all information on upcoming events, school calendar etc may be viewed on www.ballybrownns.ie
Gach dea-ghuí,
Joe Lyons