Thursday, April 18, 2013

School note April 18th 2013


Dear parents.

                    I wish to bring the following to your attention.

                    On Tuesday, First, Third and Mr Lordan's Fifth class took part in an Energy Workshop as part of our Energy campaign in connection with the Green Schools activities. It was a hands-on experience with experiments, games and various activities.   Thanks to Mrs Hodgins who organised the visit.        

                   Next Wednesday April 24th., the Green School Committee will organise a Low Energy Day as part of their ongoing work. On Thursday, April 25th., the school will take part in  the annual Spring Clean Day. We are extremely fortunate to work in such a beautiful unspoilt environment and everybody in the school community has a part to play in keeping the school so clean. Visitors to the school frequently remark on our idyllic location.

               If your child plays hurling or camogie and does not own a helmet, the school has a limited supply for sale at €40 each. Helmets come in three sizes, small, medium or large. They are green and white with the school crest.

          Our Under 13 hurling and camogie teams were in action this week. Unfortunately, we lost both games narrowly but there is reason for optimism after two fine displays against JFK and Milford respectively.

        News has reached the school this morning that the school has been awarded its second Green Flag. This is well deserved and a fitting acknowledgement of all the work done over the last two years.

                   Don't forget that all information on upcoming events, school calendar etc may be viewed on

Gach dea ghui,



J. Lyons
