Dear parents,
Yesterday, the end of year Mass and Sixth Class graduation took place. It was a lovely occasion as 31 boys and girls bade goodbye to the school after eight years. For some families, it was tinged with sadness as the day marked the end of a long association with Ballybrown National School. I would like to put on record my thanks to all the teachers who have worked with this group over the years and to Special Needs Assistant Mary Conway who has been a constant presence The class, under the direction of Ms Day, performed a number of songs to round off a memorable occasion. Special thanks to the members of the Parents Association who looked after refreshments. Fr O Connor launched the school yearbook which is now on sale in the school. Price: €3 or two for €5. The yearbook provides a record of a year's activities in the school.
I would like to thank all the parents who helped during the year with transport for matches in football, hurling and camogie. I would especially like to thank the members of the Parents' Association who worked so hard during the year. The money they raised was well spent and all for the benefit of the children. I would like to thank especially those parents who helped with refreshments on the occasion of Holy Communion, Confirmation, graduation and retirements
Hurling fever is sweeping Limerick at the moment. We are very proud that two of our players, Alanna McGregor and Cian Hall will wear the Limerick colours in the Primary Games, which aer played during the interval in the senior game.
All classes have received their booklists and I am delighted to see so many families trading in secondhand books. There are plenty of books available in good condition. Please check that all pages are intact etc.
Tomorrow, the school will bid farewell to three valued staff members, Special Needs Assistants Anna Henn and Dolores O Neill and Classroom Assistant Jackie King. All three are known to children in every class. in the school. We will miss them greatly and they take our best wishes with them.
School will close tomorrow Friday at 12.30 p.m. sharp and re-open on Thursday August 29th. I hope you all enjoy the summer break and I look forward to seeing you in the new school year.
Gach dea ghuí,
J. Lyons