Thursday, December 19, 2013

School note December 19th 2013


Dear parents,    

                     Today, we staged two performances of the Christmas Carol Service and Nativity play in Ballybrown Church. Every child in the school was involved. We are fortunate to have so many talented and capable teachers to coordinate such a worthwhile event. Thanks to Fr Cussen for making the Church available at all times.

            A Table Quiz for pupils in 4th , 5th, and Sixth classes took place yesterday and was greatly enjoyed by all involved.. Over 100 children took part. The winning team consisted of Harry Hannan, Ben Adams, Conor O Neill and Mark Mullally Thank you to the Parents Association for providing prizes.

            Best wishes to Mrs Ivess and Ms O Connor who start Maternity Leave in January. Ms Katie Gibbons will fill in for Mrs Ivess while Ms Maeve Fehilly will fill in for Mrs O Connor.

            The Goal Mile takes place on Christmas Day at 11.30 a.m. starting at the Resource Centre. All welcome on the day to walk/ run.

        Art Classes for primary school pupils will commence in the Resource Centre in January. Contact Sharon Le Gear at (087) 9112902 or if you are interested. Fliers available in the school office.


School will close for all pupils tomorrow Friday at 12.30 p.m. and reopen on Monday January 6th. 2014.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very peaceful Christmas.

Gach dea-ghuí,




J. Lyons
