Thursday, June 26, 2014

School note June 26th.2014


Dear parents,

                     As outlined previously, the school has embarked on a Book Rental project, initially limited to four books for classes from Third to Sixth inclusive. Parents interested in availing of the scheme paid for the books today. The books will be available when your child returns to school on August 27th. On Tuesday, a group of parents worked diligently removing labels, covers etc. from books purchased from families in the school. Their work is greatly appreciated. These books have now  been re-covered professionally by Eason's in the Parkway Shopping Centre, along with new books purchased for the Book Rental scheme. Eason's have given this school a very good deal.  Eason's in the Parkway are currently holding a sale and there is 10% off all schoolbooks until the middle of July.

               Class arrangements for next school year are detailed overleaf. As Mrs Hanly and Mrs O Connor will be jobsharing, a temporary vacancy arises. This vacancy will be for a teacher of Third Class. Parents of children in Senior Infants will receive class details by post.

           On Tuesday,  Limerick hurler Gavin O Mahony presented the  medals for the Olo Cup and the Limerick Leader Cup to the school's Under 13 hurling team. We were delighted that three members of the Ballybrown team that won the Leader Cup in 1946 were able to attend. Paddy O Connor, Davy Hannon and Willie Collins were special guests and their memories of the match 68 years ago were crystal clear.

             Yesterday, we bade farewell to Sixth class. The Graduation ceremony was organised and choreographed to the highest standard. The choir performed superbly to mark a fitting goodbye for a fine group of children.  Ms Day, Ms Mulroe and Mr Hodnett, take a bow! A special word of thanks to the parents who provided refreshments on both Monday and Wednesday.

         Tomorrow, Special Needs Assistant Nora Casey leaves the school after eight years. We will all miss her and we wish her well.

                       Appeal for toys. In September, the school will have two Junior Infants and two Senior Infant classes. The teachers would appreciate if you could provide any of the following: jigsaws, cars, trucks, dolls, clothes for dressing up, toys for imaginative play e.g. Post Office, garage, farm, kitchen etc. Please drop them into the school next week if possible.

                           Please note that school will close for the summer holidays tomorrow Friday June 27th. at 12.30 p.m. It would be appreciated if all children were collected promptly.

                    On behalf of all the staff of Ballybrown NS, I wish you all an enjoyable break



J. Lyons
