Sept.'14-Numeracy Report: End of Year 2 of our 3 Year Numeracy Strategy
At the end of Year 1 we prioritised the following : Problem Solving, Tables and Mental Maths, development of a maths-rich environment, implementation of a paired maths game project, review of Drumcondra Test of Early Numeracy, supplementary maths programmes, provision of maths websites to parents.
· Standardised Testing Results: At the end of Year 1 the school average percentage correct score for Solving Word Problems was 52%. At the end of Year 2 this has risen to 56%. This means we have already achieved our 3 year target in our School Improvement Plan. In fact, the average score in each skill area and each strand area has increased. The largest gain was in the strand area of Data. This rose by 6% to 67%. The smallest gain was in the Strand area of Measure which rose by 2% to 62%.
· A dedicated Dropbox Numeracy folder was set up. Ms. Hayes attended all relevant Numeracy meetings and seminars. All ideas and resources were shared in the Dropbox folder.
· Tables and Mental Maths: We introduced the Ballard Westwood Timed Tables test in classes from 1st -6th. A successful 'Table Toppers' competition was organised from 1st -6th class. All teachers used the first ten minutes of each Maths lesson for Tables and Mental Maths work. Numero was played from 2nd-6th and a 'Numero' league was organised. New Software ('Flying High' and 'The Great Maths Challenge') was purchased and is in use in classrooms and L.S rooms.
· 'Mata sa Ranga' :Both Mr. Sheehy and Ms. Day were trained in this. Great use was made of the methodologies and resources in their classes.
· 'Mata le Chéile' a paired maths game project for Senior Infants and their parents was used in the last term. This drew many positive comments from parents and the children greatly enjoyed it.
· The school took part in lots of Maths week activities last October. One of the highlights was the daily problem from Mr. Lyons.
· The full version of 'Manga High'( an online games based Maths project) was available during Maths week. An account for all children from 3rd -6th class was created. A limited free version was available after Maths Week and some children continued to use it.
· Khan Academy was used by some of the Senior classes to great success.
· The Junior Infant teachers successfully ran a Maths games station teaching initiative with some of the Learning Support teachers.
· The Junior infant teachers adopted a more concrete, hands on approach to the teaching of Maths. This is based on the 'Ready, Set, Go, Maths 'programme.
· Posters showing the agreed Problem Solving strategy to be used and also the RUDE strategy were created and displayed in each classroom.
· 'Brainsnack' problem solving cards continued to be used in classes from 3rd-6th
· Senior classes took part in 'Mathletes'-the world wide challenge for 5th and 6th classes. One of our 6th class girls made it to the final 500 in Munster. The school achieved a reward for its high scores.
· Teachers supplied a list of suitable websites for use by parents at home to support their children. This is to be found on the school website.
· 4th Class also trialled a Station teaching model involving the class teacher and two L.S teachers. An emphasis was placed on problem solving and mental maths/tables. This was very much enjoyed by both children and adults. It has been extended to 3rd class this year.
· The Drumcondra Test of Early Numeracy was reviewed by the Senior Infant Teacher and L.S teacher. It was decided to use it again. Children were picked up for Learning Support in 1st class based on its results and teacher observation.
· A particular week was dedicated to Maths displays and these were created for the school corridors.