Thursday, September 18, 2014

School note September 18th.


Dear parents,

                     I wish to bring the following to your attention.

                    Parking: Parking is a constant problem. There are now six buses or mini buses servicing the school. All the area to the left of the main gate as one enters the school is now designated Bus Parking only, apart from one disabled spot. Parents must not park there. The area to the right of the school gate is Staff Parking only. Parents are requested to use the Resource Centre carpark and the Church carpark.

                 Lost and found: We are already halfway through September and our Lost Property section is growing. Please ensure there are tags on all items of clothing.

               Homework: Please check your child's Homework Diary every night, Monday to Thursday. It is a good idea to sign the Homework Diary and check that homework is being done properly.

               MPCC Credit Union returns to school tomorrow Friday September 19th.

               C losing date for Allianz Pupil Insurance is tomorrow, Friday Sept.19th.  

               I would like to express my gratitude to all the families for their Art & Craft/Photocopying contributions. If you have not yet paid this money, you can give it to Rosemarie in the school office any day between 9a.m. and 2p.m. €35 per child or €60 per family.

             Community Council: The Community Council will hold a Cake Sale after 10 a.m. Mass on   Sunday September 21st. The winner of the essay competition on 'My Favourite Cake' will be  announced at the Cake Sale.        

                    Parents Association:  The AGM of the school's Parents' Association will take place on Monday September 22nd. at 8.30 p.m.  in the school. All parents are welcome to attend.

                  Ladybirds: Joint registration night for Ladybirds, Brownies and Guides will be on Thursday 18th September at 7.30 p.m. in the School Halla.

              Cub scouts: We are delighted to announce we have resumed after a three year break and are open to new members. Boys and girls aged 9-11 looking to join are

invited to attend the meetings at the resource centre from 7.30-8.30pm on Monday nights. Please text queries to 0860316244 or email


Gach dea ghuí,

J. Lyons
