Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Health Promoting School........ Get involved!


Dear Parent/Guardian,

With the support of the Health Service Executive (HSE), our school has made a commitment to develop as a Health Promoting School (HPS).

A (HPS) is about giving school an extra special focus on health.  It encourages teachers, students and parents/guardians to look at how health and wellbeing can be built upon within the school.

This means that we will be consulting with and involving students, staff and parents/guardians to explore what makes a school a healthy place in which to work, study and visit.

This will mean something different for each school; for example some schools have introduced nutrition policies, involved students in promoting mental health, introduced increased levels of physical activity or  developed school wildlife gardens.

Children and young people spend a lot of time in school and it is an important influence in their lives.  The evidence shows schools are much more effective in what they do and what they can achieve when their parents/guardians are supportive and involved. 

As a parent/guardian we would encourage you to get involved and support our Health Promotion work. 

To get this initiative off the ground, a meeting will take place on Thursday January 15th at 8.30 p.m. in the school. Ms Mairead Kelly, Health Promotion Officer for the Limerick area will attend.

We hope you can attend.


Kind regards,

 Joe Lyons                                                       Katie Gibbons

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(Principal)                                                       (HPS Coordinator)