Thursday, February 26, 2015

School note February 26th 2015


Dear parents,

                    Last Wednesday, we held a very successful Fancy Dress on the theme of Water. There were some remarkably creative and imaginative outfits. Well done to all. Next week, the school will host a visit from the Green School adjudicator as we hope to be awarded our third Green Flag. The theme for this flag is Water Conservation. Visitors to the school have remarked on the eyecatching posters on the windows at the front of the school, which point out how we can reduce our water consumption. The Green School Committee has asked me to bring these tips to your attention and they are printed on the reverse side of this note and on the school website. This is a whole school effort, involving every class and co-ordinated by Mrs Hodgins.

            Health Promoting School: All classes are taking daily exercise. For the next four weeks, pupils in Third and Fifth will  benefit from extra PE lessons, courtesy of students from Mary Immaculate College who are specialising in Physical Education. I am grateful to Richard Bowles, Head of the college's P.E. Department  for his help. Kevin O Connell continues his weekly visits for hurling coaching and general fitness. Kevin has worked with Second and Third classes for six-week modules. He will move on to Fourth class  next week.

        On Tuesday next, March 3rd. the children of 5th and 6th classes will visit Limerick Racecourse at guests of Horse Racing Ireland to learn about the racing industry. They will meet a jockey and a trainer and enjoy a tour of the Racecourse.

     Heritage in Schools: On Monday, Pat Broderick, a thatcher from West Limerick, visited Second and Third classes as part of Heritage in Schools scheme. He spent a full day working with the children. It was a fascinating insight into an age long gone.

    Thursday March 5th is World Book Day. Please encourage your child to read at every opportunity.

  Choral Festival: Next Friday March 6th., the school will take part in the Limerick Schools Choral Festival in the Redemptorist Church. All classes from Second to Sixth inclusive have been preparing since Christmas under the direction of Ms Day and Ms O Connor. This is a great opportunity for all involved.  Cost of bus €4 per person.


    Gach dea-ghuí,

J. Lyons
