Dear parents,
This week Scottish storyteller and musician Ruth Marshall visited the school. The four Infant classes and First class really enjoyed her visit which is part of the Heritage in Schools Scheme.
Last Friday, all children from Second to Sixth classes took part in the Limerick Choral Festival at the Redemptorist Church. It was a long day but a wonderful experience. Credit is due to everybody who worked so hard to ensure that Ballybrown NS, in our first year in the competition, performed so well.
Yesterday, our former pupil Andrew O Grady, who is pursuing a Masters Course in Music in UL , organised a Music workshop for Sixth Class. Next week, it will be the turn of Fifth Class.
Meanwhile, Fifth Class pupils are delighted to announce that they will be launching their range of personalised wristbands next week. The class has been taking part in the Junior Entrepreneur programme and, after much thought, it was decided to produce wristbands. They will go on sale on Friday afternoon March 20th. from 1 to 3 p.m. Price €2 each.
Seachtain na Gaeilge: This is Seachtain na Gaeilge. There are many activities taking place in the school. Parents can do your bit by introducing simple phrases like 'Go raibh maith agat' and 'Fáilte romhat' to everyday speech.
Parents Association: Tomorrow, Friday March 13th will be a lá glas (Green Day) with all funds going to the school's Parents Association. A contribution of €2 per child is suggested.
Parents are reminded that school begins at 9.15 a.m. Children are supervised from 9 a.m. The school will not be responsible for children dropped at school before
Reminder: School closed Monday and Tuesday March 16th and 17th. and reopens Wednesday March 18th.
Ballybrown GAA: Under 10 Football: Training for under 10 Gaelic Football starts on Tuesday March 24th in the Hall in Ballybrown GAA clubhouse from 6 to 7 p.m.. Runners and gumshield needed. All welcome.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons