Dear Parents,
Yesterday, life in school came to a standstill as the final of 'Table Toppers', the Olympics of mental arithmetic, was staged. Children from First to Sixth classes came through qualifying stages in their own classes to make it to the Grand Final. Congratulations to outright winner Maeve Curtin, who was second last year and to Aidan O Connor and Jools Deegan, who were second and third respectively. The standard was extremely high. Well done to questionmaster Mr Hodnett, timekeeper Ms Day and Mr Lordan who co ordinated the event.
Mrs Fitzgerald and Ms Keyes brought their Junior Infant classes on a walk to the Kiely farm in Carrig yesterday. Over 40 children in their high visibility jackets enjoyed the experience enormously, as they learned at first hand about the farm in Springtime. Special thanks to the Kiely family for hosting such a lovely event.
Last Friday, the personalised wristbands produced by Fifth class as part of the Junior Entrepreneur project went on sale and sold like hotcakes. Another batch has been ordered to meet unprecedented demand.
Pupils in Second and Third classes today staged a production of 'The Chair' for the other classes and for their parents. Well done to all involved, especially Ms Day and Mr Hodnett.
Today, Ballybrown NS play in the Limerick City section of the INTO Mini Sevens in hurling and camogie. We wish both teams well.
Holiday arrangements: School closes tomorrow Friday March 27th. at 12.30 p.m. and re opens on Monday April 13th. at 9.15 a.m.
Parents of children in Junior and Senior Infants are asked to collect those children at 12.10 p.m. tomorrow to alleviate the parking problems that could arise.
On behalf of the Board of Management and staff of the school, I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter.
J. Lyons
Community Council News: Winners of the "Design an Easter Egg" Art Competition will be announced at the Easter Fair on Sunday 29th March in the Resource Centre. The fair starts at 10.45am.There will be a Cake Sale, Raffle, Flower Arrangements, Vegetable and Plant Stalls, Easter Bonnet Parade, Face Painting and lots more.
Date for your diary: FAMILY FUN QUIZ FRIDAY 17th APRIL in Resource Centre
Girls and Boys Under 13 (and over 10yrs) Rounders training for Community games will resume on Mondays after school and Saturday evenings (venue to be decided) All new comers to the sport most welcome! If interested please text your child's name and DOB to Diane Curran 085 8229492 or Damien O'Brien on 086 0504083. We will text on details of the Easter training schedule.