Thursday, June 25, 2015

School note June 25th 2015

Dear parents,

                    We have reached the end of another school year. Yesterday, thirty-three Sixth class pupils graduated after eight years in the school. It was a pleasure to welcome Fr Muiris O Connor back to Ballybrown to celebrate the Graduation Mass. Thanks to Ms O Shaughnessy and Ms Day for the work they put into the Graduation Ceremony. We are lucky to have such talented teachers.

               On Tuesday, Mayor Kevin Sheahan visited the school to celebrate the award of a third Green Flag. Mayor Sheahan was most impressed by the work done in the school to achieve this recognition. A special Thank You to the Parents' Association who provided ice cream for all 260 pupils. This was greatly appreciated on such a warm day. Entertainment was provided by 'Little Tents' whose lead singer is Laura Duff, a former pupil of this school.

           The Book Rental Scheme offered by the school has met with a good response. A huge amount of work goes into collecting books returned at the end of June, re-covering and labelling them for use the following year. I am grateful to Mrs Dillon for taking on the task of coordinating the Book Rental Scheme and to Anne Hannan and Gráinne Murtagh, assisted by Ciara Fitzgerald and Harry Hannan for the hours of work they put in last week to ensure the books will be ready for use in September. Also to Pauline Lowe who collected the new books from Eason's.

          The class arrangements for next school year are on the reverse side of this note and are also available on the school  website.

           Tomorrow, we bid farewell to Ms Beena Day who is moving to Dublin as part of a Teacher Exchange. We wish her well in her new post. Her talents  will be sorely missed in Ballybrown. Ms Helen Nolan joins the staff of this school in September.

         The 2015 school magazine is now available. With 64 pages in full colour it is great value at  €3 per copy or two copies for €5.

         School will close tomorrow Friday at 12.30 p.m. sharp and re-open on Tuesday September 1st. Junior and Senior Infant classes will be collected at 12.10 p.m. to alleviate the traffic situation. On behalf of the staff and Board of Management of the school,  I hope you all enjoy the summer break and I look forward to seeing you  in the new school year.

Gach dea -ghuí,



J. Lyons




Ballybrown GAA news: GAA Cúl Camp Mon 29th  June – Fri 3rd July for both boys & girls @

Ballybrown GAA Clubhouse commencing daily at 10am.

Registration from 09:30 on Monday. All welcome.