Thursday, January 28, 2016

School note January 28th 2016


Dear parents,

                    On Tuesday, Clan Cluana Theatre Company performed 'Deirdre of the Sorrows' for all children in classes from Second to Sixth inclusive. This is a lovely way for children to learn about Irish myths and legends.

                    Cian Hederman is currently coaching all the boys and girls in First Class as they learn the basics of hurling and have fun at the same time. Coaching is each Wednesday morning for a six week block. Games Development Administrator Peter Nash has been assisting Cian for the first two sessions.

                         Eileen Cunningham of the Road Safety Authority visited all classes in the school on Monday to make a presentation on Road Safety. She imparted simple, common sense directions and gave out stickers and other tokens which made her very popular indeed. She was anxious to get the message across that children under 150 cm  in height need a booster seat and should sit in the back.

                       On Monday evening, the staff took part in a workshop on the use of i pads in school. The school has purchased seven i pads and we are currently studying  best educational practice in this area.

                      The winners of the Healthiest Lunchbox in each class were chosen on Tuesday. Ms Gibbons had a tough task as judge. All details on the school website.

                         This week all teachers have put up Maths Displays on the corridors of the school. There are very eyecatching displays to be seen.

                      Good luck to all 44 children who represent the school in the MPCC Credit Union quiz in Mungret GAA club tomorrow night.

Gach dea-ghuí,


J. Lyons
