Thursday, October 13, 2016

School note October 13th

Dear parents,

                      We begin this week by saying  'Thank You' to  Newtown Water Scheme who presented the school with a cheque for €500 at a ceremony at the Sailor's Haggard on Sunday morning last.

            Maths Week is from October 16th to 23rd. There will be a range of activities going on at all class levels.

                        On Monday, Sr. Rose Miriam and Fiona Dineen from the Limerick Diocesan Office paid an introductory visit to the school.  They spent time in each of the classes with children for First Holy Communion in 2017. Sr. Rose Miriam is based in the Dominican Residence in Pery Square and will visit all classes in the school later in the school year. Tomorrow Friday, 14 October, is the National Day of Prayer for Children. 

            Communion Committee – Please note for Second Class Parents that the first Do this in Memory Mass will be held on Saturday 22nd at 8pm. Further details/pack will be distributed to the children early next week with all the relevant information


Parents Association –

AGM - The Parents Association AGM took place last night – it was a very successful meeting with an informative presentation presented by Mr. Lyons. Thank you to all parents that attended.

Recycling Day - There is a Recycling day planned for tomorrow morning Friday October 14th.  Please have your bags of unwanted clothes, handbags, paired shoes etc. in bags at the school by 9.15am.  Thank you for your continued support for this worthwhile fundraising event.

Shared Reading - A Shared Reading evening has been organised for Tuesday October 25th at 8pm. This will be facilitated by Siobhan O'Doherty and will be of particular interest for parents of children in Junior Infants – Second Class.  

Ballybrown/Clarina Community Games: Draughts will commence in the Resource Centre on Thursday 19th October from 7.00 to 8.00 pm. Full training will be provided. Children from 7 can attend. The cost is €1.00 per child. We had great numbers last year so we hope this will be the same this year.

GIRL GUIDES : Ballybrown Girl Guide unit has reopened. We have places available for girls aged 10 to 15. Our weekly meetings where the girls get involved in team activities, fun games and crafts are on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 7.30pm in Ballybrown Community Centre. If you are interested in joining or want more information please contact Gillian, 0857633442 or Marguerite, 0879075288

Gach dea ghuí,

J. Lyons

