Dear parents,
It has been a busy week. Yesterday, 60 boys and girls from this school took part in the Limerick Primary Schools Cross Country Sports in Limerick Racecourse. My thanks to Mr Sheehy, Team Manager, and to all the parents who braved the elements to support the team.
Today, Lismore Mobile Science Workshop visit the school for a workshop with 5th and Sixth classes. Next week, 5th and 6th classes visit The Science Magic show in University of Limerick.
Tomorrow, the children from First to Fourth classes visit the University Concert Hall for a performance by the Cork Pops Orchestra.
Swimming lessons for Fourth Class begin next Wednesday November 16th. in Askeaton Leisure Centre.
Parent- teacher meetings will take place on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday November 24th from 3.15 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. All parents will receive notification of their appointments in the post next week. Note: Homework Club will not take place on either of those days.
First Holy Communion: A reminder to all Second Class Parents that there will be a Parents meeting held in the school on Tuesday November 15th at 8.30pm. The photographer will also attend this meeting to take bookings (to be paid on the night) and the seating lottery will take place on the night. Please bring small photo of your child also. Parent's contribution will also be collected on the night. We would appreciate your attendance.
Book Fair: The Book Fair will take place on Thursday November 17th and Friday November 18th . Books will be available for viewing by all classes on Thursday November 17th. The Parents Association are looking for volunteers with the Book Fair. If you are available to assist on Thursday November 17th between 2pm - 4pm or between 7.30pm and 9.00pm, or on November 18th between 9am-10am or from 2pm to 3.30pm, please text Susan MacNamara on 087-2257625.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons