Dear parents,
Parent teacher meetings continue today from 3.15 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
It is important to keep to your allocated time. If you are unable to keep an appointment for some reason, please contact the school to arrange a suitable date.
On the sporting front, well done to Emer Conroy and Lucy Keyes who were members of the Limerick Girls Football panel who won the Larkin Shield in the Gaelic Grounds on Tuesday night.
Takings from the Book Fair amounted to €1600. Thanks to Susan McNamara and her team of volunteers who helped on Thursday & Friday.
Congratulations to the following winners in the MPCC Credit Union Art competition: Under 7 : 1st Isabelle McCarthy. 3rd. Holly Rose Carey.
Community Council news: Volunteers needed for senior citizens bagpacking event in Dunnes Stores Jetland Centre on Monday and Tuesday December 19th & 20th. Contact Ann Davoren 087 2122842.
Gach dea ghuí,
J. Lyons
SPEECH AND LANGUAGE WORKSHOP: FREE workshop will take place on Tuesday November 29 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm in the Ballybrown Community Centre. Place are limited and re-registration is advised, priority is given to those in receipt of Social Welfare or parenting alone. Understand more about Speech & Language and the importance of supporting your child with their speech & language development through reading and nursery rhymes. Call Niamh, at West Limerick Resources, on 087 4477338.