Thursday, December 8, 2016

School note December 8th 2016


Dear parents,

                    All classes  attended Mass  in Ballybrown Church today for  the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Thanks to Ms Mulcahy and choir for beautiful singing.

                     The  school Christmas Carol Service takes place in Ballybrown Church on Wednesday 21st December at 10.15 a.m. for parents of children from Junior infants to Second Class  and 11.45 a.m. for parents of children from Third to Sixth classes. Please note change of times.

                  All children in 5th & 6th classes have completed a ten-week course in ICT with Whizzkids. Thanks to the Committee of the Resource Centre for use of premises.

                   Yesterday, West Midlands Theatre Company from Wolverhampton visited the school to perform 'Pinnochio' for First, Second, Third and Fourth Classes.

Parents Association: The Ballybrown NS Parents' Association is holding its next meeting on Tuesday the 13th December at 8 pm. The Parents Association plays an important role in raising any concerns that parents may have and raises funds for the benefit of the school. They would be grateful if as many parents as possible could attend, in particular parents who are new to the school. All welcome.

A Children's/Family Mass will be held on Christmas Eve, Friday 24th December at 5pm in Ballybrown Church. There will be a practice for this Mass in the church on Tuesday 20th December from 6-7pm. All children are welcome to the practice, to participate in the Mass or just come on Christmas Eve. If you would like any more information or would be interested in helping out at the practice night please contact Julianne McCormack at 087-9478123.

Do this in Memory Mass: A reminder to 2nd class parents that a Do This in Memory Mass for First Communion pupils will take place on Saturday 10th December at 8pm.

Gach dea- ghuí, 


J. Lyons



Ballybrown GAA club: Santa will arrive in Ballybrown GAA Club on Sunday 11th December at 2.30pm. €6.00 per child includes selection box, family photo and a whole day of fun and games!! 

Community Council  news: CHRISTMAS FAIR : The annual Christmas Fair will be held on Sunday December 18th at the  Ballybrown/Clarina Community Resource Centre after 10 o'clock Mass.  There will be lots on offer.  In addition to the usual Cake Sale we will have home made Christmas Cakes and Plum Puddings, Hot Dogs, Popcorn and Magical Treats, Christmas Flower Arrangements and Logs, Farmers Market with Vegetable Stall, Firewood and kindling, Kids Corner with face-painting and nail bar, Raffle, Children's Christmas Art Competition Prize Giving,  Complimentary Refreshments. Come early and enjoy a lovely festive morning with friends.