Thursday, May 3, 2018

School note May 3rd



Dear parents,

                   I wish to bring the following to your attention.                   

                 First Holy Communion:  Preparations are well underway for First Holy Communion.  The choir will be practising on a daily basis. It is vital that all children in the choir turn up on the day. First Holy Communion takes place on Saturday May 19th at 11 a.m.  In order to alleviate overcrowding, the ceremony is streamed to the Resource Centre. 

             All classes will be on school tour on Thursday June 21st. Many children have already paid for their school tour. If your child is not going on tour, please let the school know as we need to confirm numbers as soon as possible.

              Well done to Paul O Neill, Peter Kiely and Barry Toomey, all members of the Limerick City hurling squad who played in the Mackey Cup in the Gaelic Grounds on Tuesday. City were narrowly defeated in the final after extra time.  Best of luck to Emer Conroy and Sarah O Sullivan who line out for the City in the Neville Cup camogie competition.  

           Parents Association:   There was a good turnout at the Parents Association Meeting last Tuesday where the following topics were discussed - 
1. Feedback on Ger Brick workshop (School & Parents ) 2. Building works update (Ms. Hayes)   3. Policy when children are sick or injured at school  4.  Kidisco - end of term    5. Colours day for Milford Hospice  6. Update from School (Ms Hayes) 7. Reaction to proposals re all weather area around pitch/extendable roof from last meeting  8. Resignation of Chair & Secretary. 9. AOB (including BusyBodies programme and Communion)

The Parents Association are also looking for volunteers from First Class to provide refreshments after the First Holy Communion on May 19th.  If those who have already volunteered can please reconfirm with Lorraine 087/3139005.

Fantastic result from the last Recycling Day, thank you to everyone.

             Reminder:  School will be in use as a polling station on Friday May 25th. School will end for all pupils at 12.30 p.m. on Thursday May 24th as teachers will be attending Inservice on Child Protection.


Gach dea- ghuí,

J. Lyons




Our Sports Evening is on this Friday 4th May in the Ballybrown Community Field.

Registrations will take place on the evening from 5.30pm with events to start at 6.00 pm sharp. We will have sprint events, middle distance events and field events.

The cost is €4.00 per child of €10.00 per family. This is always a great evening so we would like to see as many of you as possible come along and take part. 

Please check out our Facebook page for further details.