Wednesday, June 20, 2018

School note June 20th 2018

Dear parents,

                     We are approaching the end of a busy year in Ballybrown NS. This week is Active Week and there are activities every day. This involves a huge amount of organisation and I appreciate the effort that all the teachers make to ensure the day is enjoyable for all.  Special thanks to Ms Gibbons, Active Week coordinator.           Today, all children took part in 'Walk on Wednesday'. Infant classes walked to Breska Rovers pitch. First and Second classes walked to St James Well, Third and Fourth walked to the Grotto in Cooper Hill while Fifth and Sixth classes walked to The Sailor's Haggard. We were fortunate that many parents joined the walk to ensure the safety of all concerned.

                     Yesterday, we held our annual Fundraising Run which helps to meet the cost of providing buses during the school year to sporting events and other occasions. Special thanks to Niamh O Brien who arranges sponsorship cards etc. Niamh and Marian McGregor did trojan work  looking after runners and  providing drinks.

                       All classes go on School Tour tomorrow. Please ensure your child is at school in time. Tour details on All children are asked to stay in the schoolyard as on a normal school morning until their teacher brings them to the bus. No spending money needed. Sunhats and plenty of water strongly recommended.  No mobile phones, cameras, or any IT devices allowed. This decision was agreed at Board of Management level.

                    On Friday, we will have the School Fun Sports Day.  In the afternoon, there is a Rounders match involving the boys and girls of Sixth Class v  Teachers.

                    On  Wednesday next, June 27th., the Sixth Class Graduation will take place. Fr Cussen will say a special Mass at 1.30 p.m. which will be followed by the Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the end of primary education for these pupils.

                      Report Cards: If you have not submitted your envelopes yet, please ensure that each envelope has a €1 stamp.

                     Please note that school will close for the summer holidays on Friday June 29th. at 12.30 p.m. It would be appreciated if all children were collected promptly. In order to alleviate traffic problems, children in Infant classes may be collected at 12.10 p.m.

Gach dea-ghuí,


J. Lyons



Little Steps pre-school are running summer camps as follows:Week 1: 3-6 years 2nd-6th July. week 2: 5-7years 9th-13th July.      Week 2: 3-6years 9th-12th July.  Time 9am-1pm