Dear Parents,
Fifth and Sixth classes began a year-long programme with Music Generation last Monday. Patrick O Brien is the musician in residence. The year's work will culminate in a performance in Thomond Park in June 2019.
Fifth class are receiving weekly lessons from John and Kieran of the Cycling Safety school.
MPCC Credit Union will return to school tomorrow October 5th and on the first Friday of every month.
Please ensure that you inform the school of the reason for any absences. Notes were provided for this purpose at the beginning of the school year. The school has a statutory obligation to make a report to Tusla in the case of every child who is absent for twenty days or more in any school year. It is vital that you furnish the school with a reason for any absences.
Our Under 13 girls football team lost narrowly to An Mhodh Scoil yesterday. The girls will play in the semi final of the B competition next week. The Under 11 boys play St Nessan's NS today.
Parent teacher meetings are on Tuesday and Wednesday October 23rd and 24th. Parents will receive details of appointments next week.
Parents are reminded that school will close for midterm on Thursday October 25th at 3 p.m. and reopen on Monday November 5th.
Please remember to check the school website www.ballybrownns.ie or follow us on Twitter @BallybrownNS.
Parents Association News
Change in Date - Please note due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to change the date of the Recycling Day to Friday October 12th. Please have your bags of unwanted clothes, handbags, paired shoes etc at the school by 9.15 a.m. on that morning. Thank you for continued support for this worthwhile fundraising event.
AGM - We had a great attendance at the Parents Association AGM last night. Thank you to Mr Lyons for the very informative presentation. All roles have been filled with the exception of the 1st class parent nominee - any 1st class parent interested in taking up this role please contact Susan MacNamara.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons