Dear parents,
Due to electrical problems, we have been without access to computers and internet since Wednesday. Thankfully, the problem is now resolved.
We had an unexpected visitor to school on Wednesday when Julie from Gas Networks Ireland arrived to reveal that Mathew Collins and Mark Doolan were winners of a nation-wide poster competition on the dangers of Carbon Monoxide.The competition was run in partnership with Junior Achievement. The prize was an ipad for the school. Well done to Matthew and Mark.
The Hedge School in Newtown featured on Nationwide on RTE last Monday. There was a great reaction to the appearance of Fifth and Sixth class pupils and teachers.
The school entered two quiz teams in the Community Games West Limerick quiz on Thursday January 17th. 47 teams took part and the Ballybrown NS teams finished in First and Third places. A great achievement.
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) are currently reviewing the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) curriculum for both primary and post primary schools in Ireland. As part of that review , they have compiled a survey in order to gather parents' views and would appreciate it if you could complete this survey. The closing date for this survey is the 27th of January 2019. To complete this survey please click this linkhttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Review_of_RSE_Curriculum
Mungret St Paul's ladies footballers: underage training will resume tomorrow
- Saturday 26th January - 11am- The Village Pitch, Mungret.
Sporting Limerick rounders team based in Ballybrown: We are having a table Quiz in Ballybrown GAA clubhouse Friday 1st February at 8.30pm.
Ballybrown/Clarina Community Games – Upcoming events
Draughts We have our first competition last week. Our U14 team our 2 under 12 teams and 1 under 10 team qualified for the next round. Our other U10 team were in a three-way tie so they will have to play again next week.
Art Competition The date for this completion has changed to Saturday 16th February with venue to be confirmed.Please note that children have to bring whatever colours they plan on using in the competition with them, paper will be provided
Hand Writing The date for this completion has changed to Saturday 16th February with venue to be confirmed
Swimming B Competition Sunday 3rd February 2019 – Askeaton Pool from 4-6pm
Swimming A competition Sunday 3rd March 2019 – Askeaton Pool from 4-6pm
Talent – closing date for entries is 13th of February.
Contact Pauline on (087) 8365545 or Aine on (086) 2070889 if you have any interest in the above events
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons