Dear parents,
Building work is due to commence tomorrow on the extension to the school. As conveyed in yesterday's note, from Monday February 25th, all children will assemble in the Senior Yard each morning. Children are supervised from 9 a.m. to 9.15 a.m. each morning. Parents are requested not to bring children to school prior to 9 a.m. as the school will not be responsible for them. As all children will be assembling in the same yard, children will merely line up in readiness for school. This is not playtime.
We are fortunate that there is room for parking in the Church grounds and Resource Centre carparks. There are two buses and three minibus/taxis servicing the school each day and these must also be accommodated. The area directly in front of the school gate must be kept clear as clearly indicated by the yellow box.
It is vitally important that minders, grandparents etc are made aware of these arrangements and I ask parents to inform them of these new procedures.
I know I can rely on your co operation for the duration of the work.
Meanwhile, school life goes on. Yesterday, Learn It personnel travelled from Cork to give a day long Robotics workshop to children in Sixth Class. This was a great opportunity. The children were divided into teams of three. Two teams qualified to represent the school in a Robotics event in Analog Devices on March 2nd.
Mr Barry brought a team to play in a hurling blitz in St Clement's College yesterday. The boys did very well. Next week, the school will play in the INTO Mini Sevens in Mungret GAA grounds in hurling and camogie.
Parents Association News: Dear Parents, a meeting with Principal Joe Lyons in attendance, will be held on Tuesday 26th February at 8pm in the school hall to discuss forming a fundraising committee to help with raising the projected shortfall of €23K for the school playground. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated and your input would be very welcome.
Thursday 28th February – Steve Goode from the National Parents Association will hold an introductory talk on how to support all aspects of setting up and running a Parents Association in the school on 28th February at 7.30 p.m.
1st March - Community Clothing Recycle event on the 1st March drop off time from 8. 45am – 09.30 am at St Joseph's National School. All clean clothing and paired shoes, suitable for re-use welcome.. All monies raised from the event goes towards school activities and resources.
- There is a school bag packing day organised in Dunnes Stores in the Jetland Shopping Centre on Saturday 27th April from 10am to 4pm. We need your help to cover around 10 tills for a 2 hour slot during the day. Please phone or text Caroline Sheehan on 087-9276776 to let her know your availability. Your help would be very much appreciated. All funds raised go to school activities.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons