Thursday, May 16, 2019

School note May 16th



Dear parents,

                      City Sports. Best wishes to all the children, 50 in all, who took part in the Limerick City Sports at UL today.  The boys team won the Best School in our category.  Thanks to Ms Gibbons and Ms Wallace for looking after the team, to Gillian Cuneen who acted as a steward and to all the parents who attended to lend support. As ever, the children did us,and you, proud.

                     Our Under 13 camogie team finished the season on Tuesday when they lost to Patrickswell NS in the City semi-final. Beidh lá eile againn. Thanks to Ms Hayes and Ms Keyes for coaching the team again this season.

                         Former pupil Rachel Reidy visited the school last Friday and spoke to children in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. Rachel is travelling to Uganda to work with Nurture Africa. This is an  Irish-founded, non-profit organisation. The charity provides support to the community in relation to education, healthcare and child protection. They provide the opportunity for children to reach their full potential so they can work towards building a brighter future for themselves. The school will hold a Colours Day tomorrow Friday 17th to help Rachel on her way. Green would be an ideal colour as Limerick begin their Championship hurling campaign this weekend.

                  Pokemon cards:  Pokemon cards are very popular but they have proved to be the cause of arguments and misunderstandings. Please do not allow your child to bring Pokemon cards to school. Cards will be confiscated and returned at the end of term.        

                  School will be closed on Thursday May 23rd as all teachers will attend Inservice on the Primary Language Curriculum on that day.  The school will be in use as a polling station for European and local elections on Friday May 24th.

                   School tours take place on Thursday June 20th. Many parents have chosen to use the e payment option. All monies to be paid by the end of May as the school needs to confirm numbers with the various venues.

                    First Holy Communion is on Saturday May 18th at 11 a.m. All members of the Choir are requested to be in the Church by 10.45 a.m. If any member of the choir cannot attend on the day, please inform Mr Tuohy, Mr Sheehy or myself tomorrow.

                     The Parents Association are looking for volunteers for academic year 2019/2020 for all three roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Each role is for a 12 month period. Please email or phone 087 2961007 if interested or if you know of anyone that is interested. 


We have recently enjoyed a spell of very fine weather.  Pupils may wear plain navy shorts to school if they wish. No denim, stripes or logos. PLEASE write your child's name on all fleeces, polo shirts etc!!!


Gach dea-ghuí,


J. Lyons
