Thursday, June 13, 2019

Active Week 2019

Dear Parents,

                       Ballybrown NS will celebrate Active Week from June 17th-21st 2019. Children will participate in a variety of activities throughout the week including golf, martial arts, circuits and lots more!


On Monday 17th June,  Our new Active Schools Walkway will be launched in the school field. Children from 2nd to 4th class will have an opportunity to take part in a golfing session in the afternoon and the younger classes will partake in some fun and exciting relay races.


On Tuesday 18th June, all students from Junior Infants to sixth class will take part in a walk from the school to the surrounding locality. We would appreciate any parent volunteers to help on this date to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable trip. Juniors and seniors will leave the school at 9.30, 1st/2nd will leave at 9.45, 3rd-6th leave at 10.00.  If you are available at this time to walk with your child's class please let Rosemarie know as soon as possible. Children will need high visibility jackets for the walk.


On Tuesday afternoon the children in 5th and 6th class will be putting their Martial Arts skills to the test with a taster session led by Pat Forde.


On Wednesday 19th,  we will have our walking school bus. This will commence from the community GAA field at 9am. We would request that the parents of the children in the infant classes be accompanied by an adult. All welcome, and remember your high visibility jackets!


Niamh O Brien has very generously organised a sponsored run to raise funds for the school. This will also take place on Tuesday. Any sponsorship cards should be returned to school as soon as possible.


On Wednesday we will have a 'Sports Star' fancy dress. Children can dress up as their favourite sports people. 
Also on Wednesday, Martin Sheehan from School Fitness Ireland will visit each class in the school for a 30 minute fitness session. This comes at a cost of €2  per child. Please pay this directly to the class teacher as soon as possible.


On Thursday 20th all classes will be on school tour.


On Friday 21st, the school will hold its Annual Sport's Day. In the afternoon children from 6th class will take on the staff in a rounders match!


Each night children will receive Active Homework which they can complete at home on their own or with family and friends. Please encourage as much physical activity as possible during this week.


It is essential to wear school tracksuit / shorts and runners for the week. Bring a raincoat and suncream each day, prepare for all eventualities!  Thank you in advance for your support.