Thursday, August 29, 2019

School note August 29th






Dear parents,

                   A new school year has dawned. Almost 50 new pupils have joined us this year, in Junior Infants or other classes. We are delighted that building work finished in time for the new school year.  The new classroom, two Resource rooms and disabled toilet are a great addition to the school.

                  Meetings with teachers: All meetings with teachers are strictly by appointment only.  Please telephone the School office to make an appointment.  If you have a concern about your child, speak to the class teacher as a first step.

                        Homework: Start as you mean to continue,  Check your child's homework diary every night.  Do not sign off on homework unless you are happy it has been completed satisfactorily.

                        Communication:  Check your child's homework journal for notes from the class teacher.  Please check the school website or follow us on Twitter @Ballybrown NS to keep yourself informed on school news.

                        Healthy Eating: We are very proud of our Healthy eating policy. Fruit, sandwich, water or milk are all a child needs.  Fruit Break every day at 10 a.m.

                        Lost property:  Already, our Lost Property section is swelling.  Please ensure your child's name is on every item of clothing.

                        Supervision: Children are supervised from 9 a.m. each morning.  The school cannot be responsible for pupils arriving at school before 9 a.m.

                     Parking: I would appreciate if parents used the Resource Centre and Church grounds car parks. Children should not walk through the staff car park. They should enter via the gate nearest to the Resource Centre. Safety of children is paramount.  Please do not park in Staff parking areas or in Bus berths. I wish to place on record my appreciation of the work of the Community Alert team who have assisted with traffic management this week.                          

                I would like to express my gratitude to all the families for their Art & Craft/Photocopying contributions. If you have not yet paid this money, you can give it to Rosemarie in the school office any day between 9a.m. and 2p.m. €40 per child or €70 per family. Parents may pay by e payments if that is more  convenient.

               Library Books:  The school is seeking books suitable for 11-13 year olds for the library in Mrs Barry's room. If you are decluttering and have clean books at home, please drop them to Mrs Barry or to the Office.

                 Rugby:  On Sunday, September 1st, Old Crescent will offer mini rugby for girls for the first time. Contact Nicola English  on 086 8109692 for details. 


Gach dea-ghuí,

J. Lyons
