A letter from Fr Mike re Advent 2019
Dear Parents,
For some time I have wondered about the wisdom in providing the opportunity of going to Confession in school. On reflection I believe it is best if the decision about going to Confession is home based . Much of our preparation centres around family.
Pope Francis said the 3 phrases most helpful for family life are :
Please Thank you I'm sorry.
In preparing for Confession, each of us is asked to reflect on the occasions for which we need to say I'm sorry. This reflection can remind us of our need for the healing forgiveness and the help we receive from this sacrament.
I'm sorry coming from the heart brings great healing and peace of mind.
I'm sorry is also a cry for help. Help to the Holy Spirit so that we can live more like Jesus.
At a deeper level when we experience God's forgiveness we can more easily forgive ourselves which is often a challenge especially in teenage and adult life.
Between now and Christmas there will be many opportunities for going to confession.
Going as family would have a huge witness value.
In Limerick, there are confessions in the Redemptorists Church and in the
Augustinians, O Connell Street each day.
In our pastoral area, there will be confessions in Raheen church on Monday Dec 16
from 7.30 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. A number of local priests will attend.
After evening Mass on Saturday 14th. There will be some visiting priests available for confession…in Patrickswell and Ballybrown.
I will be available for confessions as follows
Patrickswell: Thursday 19th from 6 to 7 and Saturday 21st. from 2 to 3p.m.
Ballybrown: Wed 18th. from 6 30 p.m. to 7. 30 p.m. and Saturday 21st. from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m.