Thursday, September 10, 2020

Arrangements for Junior Infants for the remainder of the school year

Dear parents, 

                         We are approaching the end of Week Two.  I am delighted that all the children have settled in so well and I appreciate the cooperation of parents as we get used to new systems, staggered starting times etc.  We all have the same goal in mind, namely the smooth transition to 'Big School' for the Junior Infant class of 2020. Ms Keyes and Mrs Hayes have  given me so much positive feedback following what was a challenging time for everybody, parents,children and school staff. 

                       Arrangements for week starting Monday September 14th and for the remainder of the school year: 

Starting Times:

8.50 a.m.: Children with surnames beginning with letters from A to G inclusive enter the school grounds. Proceed straight to your classroom. 

9.00 a.m.: Children with surnames beginning with letters from   H to N inclusive enter the school grounds. Proceed straight to your classroom. 

9.10 a.m.: Children with surnames beginning with letters from O - Z inclusive enter the school grounds. Proceed straight to your classroom. 

Children travelling by bus:  These children alight from the bus and enter at the small gate near the oil tank. Ms Hayes will direct them to their classes.

In brief, children in Junior Infants will come to school  at the designated time  from now on. Children with siblings in older classes will come with their siblings at the designated time. 

Note: School will end for all children in Junior Infants at 2 p.m.   These arrangements will apply for the remainder of the school year.

Joe Lyons
