Tuesday, March 15, 2011

School note March 10th 2011

Dear parents,

I wish to bring the following to your attention.
All classes have now received details of forthcoming school tours scheduled for Thursday May 26th. The details have also been posted on the school website www.ballybrownns.ie
Artist Leonora O Sullivan has finished her spell in the school. She worked with all classes and covered several areas of the Art curriculum including Fabric and Fibre, Clay, Painting and Construction. It was a very enjoyable experience for the children. The work was on display in the Halla yesterday from 2 to 4 p.m. and the reaction was extremely positive.
School will be closed next Thursday  and Friday March 17th and 18th.
Well done to Caoimhe Browne and Cathal Locke in Sixth Class who represented Dooneen AC in an international athletics meeting in Glasgow last weekend with great success.
Sixth Class girls had their first basketball fixture of the season yesterday when they played Limerick East Educate Together NS here in Ballybrown.
Tomorrow, a team of girls from Third and Fourth Classes will play in a Girls Football blitz in Mary I. Ms Fitzgerald will look after the team.
A meeting of the Parents Association will take place on Monday week March 21st. at 8.30 p.m.
Now that the weather is improving, children are likely to take off their fleeces and jackets when playing. Please ensure your child's name is on every garment.  Our Lost property section will be swelling with every week that passes.

Gach dea-ghui,

J. Lyons