Wednesday, March 16, 2011

School note March 16th 2011



Dear Parents,

I wish to bring the following to your attention.

School will be closed tomorrow Thursday and also on Friday 18th.

Parents who wish to avail of school transport in the school year beginning  September 2011 are required to apply to the School Transport Office, Colbert Station  before March 31st. Forms are available from the school, from  and from .Please do not return forms to the school.

Well done to the girls from 3rd. and 4th. classes who took part in a Girls Football Blitz last Friday in Mary Immaculate College.

Congratulations to Aoife Quinn, Sixth Class, who won the First Prize of a scooter in the Limerick Racecourse Colouring Competition.

Recently, Fifth Class enjoyed a visit to the Harbour in Foynes and received a tour of the Harbour Office and a trip through the Dock area. The Shannon Foynes Port Company invited the children to enter an essay competition called 'Energy: How is Foynes Useful?' The winning entries were announced yesterday. First Place: Mairead Hannon, Second Place: Kevin Leahy. Third Place: April O Neill. Well done to all and a special Thank You to Evelyn Adams who co-ordinated the visit.

I would like to remind parents that it is essential to contact the school if your child is absent, stating the reason. The school has a statutory obligation to inform the National Education Welfare Board when a child has been absent for 20 days in a school year, stating the reasons for the absences. Returns are made at the end of every quarter.

A meeting of the Parents Association will take place on Monday week March 21st. at 8.30 p.m. in the school.

Gach dea-ghuí,



J. Lyons
