Thursday, November 22, 2012

Note re e mail addresses

Dear parents,
                     The school is currently engaging in self-evaluation as part of our Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. We wish to conduct a Parental Survey in the area of Maths. In an effort to reduce our use of paper we would like to carry this out electronically. Families with internet access and an active email address are asked to complete and return the slip below. A hard copy of the survey will be sent to parents without email addresses.
              The school would also like to give parents the option of receiving the weekly Thursday note as an e mail. There would be a significant saving for the school and you will receive the note even if your child is absent. Please indicate below if you wish to avail of this option. There is no obligation on parents to switch if they are happy with the current arrangement.
Joe Lyons,

Name of eldest child currently in school: _______________________
Class: _____________________________

Family e mail address for survey:


I would like to receive the Thursday note by e mail:
Please circle as appropriate    YES                    NO

Signed: __________________________________