Thursday, May 14, 2015

School note May 14th 2015


Dear parents,

                    As we near the end of the school year, I received word today that the school has achieved First Place in Limerick in the Mathletes online challenge and First Place for average score per student. These are superb achievements and I commend all the children and their teachers on this success.

                 Book Rental: All children  from Second to Fifth classes have received a letter regarding the Book Rental Scheme for next school year. Seven books may be rented for €30, a fraction of the cost of buying them. The scheme will operate for children in Third to Sixth class only. A Book Rental system is not practical for the junior classes as so many of the books are workbooks and cannot be re-used.

                   The school will collect Book Rental fees this week only, i.e from Monday May 11th to Friday May 15th. All monies in by tomorrow.

                   The school will buy Bun Go Barr, Mathemagic and Reading Zone books for €15 in total next week, from May 18th to 20th inclusive if families are willing to sell those books.  All details are on the school website                 Special thanks to Mrs Dillon, who is coordinating this scheme.

                 First Holy Communion takes place on Saturday morning at 11 a.m. It is vital that choir members attend. A lot of hard work has gone into making this day special.

           Limerick City Sports take place in UL next Wednesday May 20th. Our own School Sports Fun Day will take place on Thursday June 18th. weather permitting.

               Congratulations to Aidan O Connor, Luke O Connor and Keith Punch who played on the Limerick City hurling team in the Mackey Cup which took place on Tuesday. Nicole Griffin and Cliodhna Hall played with the City camogie team in the Neville Cup yesterday.

           Tuesday May 19th is Wear Your County Colours Day, an initiative to herald the start of summer and the GAA Championships. Children are invited to wear a GAA jersey to school or any green jersey. There is no money involved. Limerick play Clare in the Munster Senior hurling Championship in Thurles on Sunday May 24th and   we are delighted that Ballybrown NS will be well represented as Cliodhna Hall and Keith Punch have been chosen to play in the Primary Game at halftime.

 School tours are on June 11th. for all classes. All details on the school website. Please pay your child's teacher.

 A reminder that school is closed on Friday May 22nd as the school is used as a polling station.


Gach dea ghuí,



J. Lyons
