Dear parents,
I wish to bring the following to your attention.
Last week, all children from Second to Sixth classes received a letter regarding the Book Rental Scheme for next school year. Seven books may be rented for €30, a fraction of the cost of buying them. A Book Rental system is not practical for the junior classes as so many of the books are workbooks and cannot be re-used.
The school will collect Book Rental fees next week only, i.e from Monday May 11th to Friday May 15th.
The school will buy Bun Go Barr, Mathemagic and Reading Zone books for €15 in total the following week, from May 18th to 20th inclusive.
All details are on the school website www.ballybrownns.ie
Special thanks to Mrs Dillon, who is coordinating this scheme.
Well done to all the children from this school who took part in the Great Limerick Run last weekend. The school is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle and every opportunity is used to encourage children to develop good habits that will stand to them for life.
Congratulations to Nicole Griffin, Cliodhna Hall, Luke O Connor, Keith Punch and Aidan O Connor who have been selected on the Limerick City teams who play in the Mackey Cup and Neville Cup next week. Aidan has also been chosen to play in the INTO Mini Sevens in Croke Park on All Ireland semi final day in August. Well done, Aidan.
The school has a limited number of hurling helmets, all Medium size, for sale at €30. Only while stocks last.
On Tuesday, six French students paid a visit to Sixth Class as part of a student exchange involving Copsewood College in Pallaskenry.
Congratulations to Maeve Curtin who qualified for the All Ireland finals of the Khan Academy/ Mathletes challenge which was held in Dublin last weekend. This was an outstanding achievement.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons
Our Sports evening will take place next Tuesday 12th May in Breska Soccer Field. Registration will take place at 6.30pm and event will start at 7pm sharp. We will have events for all children from U5,U7,U8,U10,U12,U14,U16 and also adults races. The first 3 in each event can go forward to represent us in the County Finals which will be held in Mungret on the 20th & 21st of June. The cost is €3.00 per child.
We would love to see as many children as possible come along for an evening of fun.