Dear parents,
I would like to welcome all pupils, staff and parents back to school after the Christmas break.
Third Class pupils completed a six-week programme of swimming lessons in Askeaton Leisure Centre in the run up to Christmas. Fourth Class begin swimming lessons on Wednesday January 20th. and running until February 24th inclusive. This is a great opportunity for all pupils to learn a lifelong skill.
The closing date to have your child's name on the Enrolment List for Junior Infants in September 2015 is Friday January 15th. at 3 p.m. Please contact the school if you have not already done so. Letters to parents of prospective Junior Infants were posted today.
Parents of children in Sixth Class are reminded that the closing date for application for secondary school is Monday January 18th. Applications received after this date will be deemed invalid.
I wish to remind parents that school begins at 9.15 a.m. and children are supervised from 9 a.m. each morning. The school cannot be responsible for children who arrive at school prior to 9 a.m. Please inform childminders, creche operators of this.
Congratulations to Mrs Ivess on the birth yesterday of a baby girl.
As we begin 2016, I ask parents to avail of the parking area available in the Resource Centre and in the Church grounds. Please keep the Staff parking area and the bus areas free. Please do not obstruct traffic or park in the yellow box at the gate.
Safety of children is our only priority.
Finally, I urge parents to ensure that your child's name is on all books, coats, fleeces etc.
Gach dea ghuí,
J. Lyons