Dear parents,
Yesterday, Sr. Rose Miriam and Veronica Behan from Limerick Diocesan Office visited the school to meet the children in all classes. They were very complimentary about the attainment and behaviour of the children and the hard work of their teachers. Confirmation for children in Fifth and Sixth classes will take place in Ballybrown Church on Wednesday March 21st at 1 p.m.
I have been informed that all teachers are required to attend Inservice Training on the proposed new Primary Language Friday March 16th. Consequently, school will be closed for pupils on that day.
Today, children from Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First classes attended a live puppet performance by Call Back Theatre in the school. ''Dorothy DoLittle's Magical Adventure", an educational and fun performance about the importance of Healthy Eating and Physical Activity, was enjoyed by all.
World Book Day is Thursday March 1st. The school will organise a programme of events throughout the week to promote literacy and a love of reading. Ten minutes spent reading to, and with, your child is a wonderful use of your time.
Parking: I would appreciate if parents used the Resource Centre and Church grounds car parks. Children should not walk through the staff car park. They should enter via the gate nearest to the Resource Centre. Safety of children is paramount. Please do not park in Staff parking areas or in Bus berths.
Parents Association:
A clothes Recycling Day will take place on Friday March 9th. All families will receive bags in school today. Please have your bags of unwanted clothes, handbags, paired shoes etc in bags at the school by 9.15 a.m. on that morning. Thank you for continued support for this worthwhile fundraising event.
Confirmation volunteers - The Parents Association recently sent a note home to all 3rd and 4th class parents seeking volunteers for the teas/coffees for the Confirmation. This will be held on Wednesday 21st March at 1pm in the church - volunteers required for approx 90 minutes from 1.30-3pm. Please contact Susan MacNamara on 087-2257625 if you can help out.
Website: All information relating to the school, school calendar, booklists, etc is on the website www.ballybrownns.ie . Check in on Twitter @BallybrownNS to keep yourself informed on school news.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons