Dear parents,
We had a most enjoyable Grandparents Day last Thursday. Grandparents travelled from far and near to celebrate with their grandchildren. Fr Cussen led the Prayer Service and after that, children shared their memories and feelings in verse and in story. Thanks to Mr Barry and Ms Gibbons.
The Infant classes also enjoyed Grandparents' Day as Ethan's granny visited and spoke about her childhood memories.
Reminder: School will close at 12.30 p.m. on Wednesday February 14th for all children to enable teachers to attend Inservice on the new Child Protection guidelines. School will be closed for midterm on Thursday and Friday February 15th and 16th. and will reopen on Monday February 19th.
Active School news: Hurling coaching with Killian Gavin continues tomorrow Friday with the children from Mrs Hodgins and Mr Lordan's classes. Dean Corbett is doing soccer coaching every Tuesday with children in 4th, 5th and 6th classes. The children in Third class are enjoying swimming lessons each Wednesday.
Ballybrown NS will take part in a Ground Hurling tournament in St Clement's College on Tuesday February 13th. We look forward to defending the title we won in 2017!
This week, I have once again been informed of a couple of cases of head lice in the school. It is advisable to deal with this as soon as possible. Your child may have caught head lice. There is no reason for alarm - head lice have nothing to do with cleanliness, in fact head lice prefer clean to dirty hair. Anyone can get head lice but it is particularly easy for young people to catch them as they spread by direct head -to -head contact.
On a practical note, children with long hair should keep their hair in plaits or tied up rather than hanging loosely.
For information on dealing with this problem, see
Please remember that an absence note is required every time your child is absent. These are kept on file until the end of the school year. The school is obliged to make returns to Tusla in respect of every child who misses 20 days or more in a school year. A number of children are frequently late for school. Please try to ensure this does not happen.
"Date for your Diary - RECYCLING DAY Friday March 9th". All unwanted clean dry clothes, paired shoes and unwanted handbags gladly accepted.
Sincere condolences to Mrs Millar on the death of her mother this week.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons