Dear parents,
It has been a busy week on a range of fronts.
On Monday, Lifetime Labs from Cork were in the school from 9.15 a.m. as part of our Maths Week programme. Their Mobile Maths Workshop went down really well with the children from 3rd to 6th classes. There were many challenging activities which captivated the children. This was just one of the many activities for Maths Week. The Problem of the Day is on the school website. Many children have availed of the Manga High website. Maths games are going ahead in all classes from Junior Infants up.
Yesterday, sixty children from the school took part in the Cross Country County Championships in Limerick Racecourse. It was a lovely autumn day for such a healthy activity. Thanks to Mr Sheehy and Ms Hanly, team managers, and to the parents who attended and helped in so many ways.
Today, the girls football team played in the City Cumann na mBunscol Final in the Gaelic Grounds. All classes from Third to Sixth attended to support the team and encourage our younger players to become involved in team sports. Ballybrown NS emerged victorious on a scoreline of 3-3 to 1-6. It was a thrilling game and both sides were a credit to their schools. Special thanks to Ms Quane and Ms Gibbons who were coaches to the team. Theri hard work was rewarded.
Mr Barry coached our hurling team who are playing in the Ard Scoil Hurling Academy blitz at 1 p.m. on the grounds of Ard Scoil Rís.
Parent teacher meetings will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. All families have received details of appointment times.
The school is in use as a polling station on Friday October 26th so we close for midterm on Thursday 25th.
There will be no Homework Club in operation next week due to Parent Teacher meetings.
Community games draughts have started back upstairs in the Resource Centre on Wednesdays at 6 45pm for 1 hour - cost €2 per child or €5 per family
Full training will be provided
Finally, I ask parents to ensure your child's name is on all coats and jackets. Our Lost Property section is expanding rapidly.
Gach dea- ghuí,
J. Lyons