Friday, March 13, 2020

Homework for Mr Keoghan's Fourth Class

Mr. Keoghan 4th class



(4th)  Spellbound - Unit 24

Complete all the exercises.


Starlight (4th)

Read Unit 9a Pg 78-80 'A new Life for Leila'

Complete (orally) questions A,B and C pg 101 and questions D and E pg 102.


Discuss and write about a journey that you went on with your parents or grandparents in your English copy. For example 'My First Plane Trip'.


Story Writing: 'Go Wild' Competition 'We Love Books'

'Write Here' handwriting: Next two pages


Write an explanation piece of writing of your choice in your hardback. E.g. How a spider spins a web? Photosynthesis- how plants grow?


4th Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge 4 Test 60-64


4th Mathemagic


Pg 51 Q1 -7

Pg 52 Qs 1-15 Word Problems

Revise Time/Fractions/Multiplication/Division and Decimals

Maths games online: IXL,


Bua na Cainte 4

Page 115 'Ag Iascaireacht', Read the story three times and ask questions about the story

Write Q1-5 into Gaeilge copy


Window on the World  Geography

Chp 13 'Transport'  Read Page 78-81

Do questions 1-7 page 82 orally

Project on Transport: Transport around the world





Spellbound Unit 25

Complete all the exercises.


(4th ) Starlight

Read Unit 9b 'Michael's Workhouse Diary'  pg 104-106. Complete questions A, B and C pg 107 and questions D and E pg 108 orally.

Narrative Writing: Write a story based on the title 'My Jungle Adventure' in your hardback (Remember to use paragraphs, capital letters etc.)


Story Writing: 'Go Wild' Competition 'We Love Books'

'Write Here' handwriting: Next two pages


Maths Challenge 4

Maths Challenge Test 65-69


Mathemagic 4

Look Back Qs 1-10 pg 129

3D Shapes

Make the listed shapes on pg 132 out of toothpicks and blu tack.

Q1 +2 on pg 133 +134. Make the net of the 3D shapes on pg 135.

Revise Time/Fractions/Multiplication and Decimals

Maths games online: IXL,


Bua na Cainte 4

Page 116 Read and learn the poem 'Ag Iascaireacht'

Page 117 Cluiche Cartaí and write out Qs 1-10 in Irish copy


'Window on the World'  History

Chp 10 'Pictures from the Past'  Read pages 64-66 –

Discuss the pictures and the questions with someone at home

Interview a grandparent (or parent) in the family about life long ago in Ireland. Questions about the different games played long ago, life in school etc