Thursday, January 29, 2015

School note January 29th 2015


Dear parents,

                   Last Thursday night, approximately 40 parents attended a meeting to learn how Ballybrown NS can become a Health Promoting School. Ms Mairead Kelly, from the Health Promoting Section of HSE spoke on how we can encourage healthy lifestyle among our children. Katie Gibbons, Fifth class teacher, has agreed to co ordinate the project. A special word of thanks to Yvonne Deegan who provided delicious (and healthy!) treats on the night. On a personal note, I was delighted to meet so many parents who want to be involved in supporting the work of the school. I urge parents to become involved in the many positive activities of the Parents Association.

                  On Friday, Fifth class, under the guidance of Ms Gibbons, took part in Ballybrown's version of 'Dragon's Den'. The children are participating in the Junior Entrepreneur programme. Various business ideas were presented and assessed. The children explained their business plans. The team of judges consisted of Ms Hayes, Ms Shirley Byrnes and myself. We were delighted that Shirley was willing to give the school the benefit of her business acumen. Today, Ed Shanahan, of Shanahan Hurleys, will join the class to share his knowledge and experience.

                  Dr. Áine O Sullivan visited the school on Tuesday and met the Junior infant classes. We are grateful to Áine for taking time from her busy schedule. All the children enjoyed her visit and shared their experiences with her!

                 It is important that children be in time for school in the morning. Please try to ensure that all children are in the playground by 9.15 a.m. Both playgrounds are supervised each morning from 9 a.m.

              Clan Cluana Theatre Company staged a production of the story of Oisín i dTír na nOg on Tuesday. It was enjoyed by classes from Second to Sixth.


Ballybrown Camogie: Registration will take place on Friday 6th February 8pm-9.30pm in Ballybrown Clubhouse. €30 per child , €55 per family U18, €50 per adult. New players always welcome - please bring a copy of birth cert. Also any adults wishing to get involved as coach , mentor or on our club committee are welcome.
Any queries please contact Pauline Gillane , Secretary (087) 775 8603.

Computer Classes For All in Ballybrown /Clarina Resource Centre

Classes start Monday 2nd February.Beginners  / Intermediate  /  Advanced

Morning : 10.00am – 12.00noon:Afternoon : 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Evening : 7.00pm – 9.00pm.Registration Fee to cover entire course only €20

Enquiries and booking : Aundrea 061 353140 / Maura 087 2565443


Gach dea-ghuí,



J. Lyons
