Thursday, February 27, 2020

School Note February 27th.





Dear parents,

                     On Tuesday February 18th, 76 boys and girls received the Sacrament of Confirmation in our local church from Bishop Leahy. Thanks to all staff involved in preparing children for this big day. Special thanks to Ms Day who looked after the choir. As ever, Fr Mike and his team ensured the day went off without a hitch.

                      Today, Mrs Costelloe's class hosted the school  Assembly and made an excellent presentation on the topic of bullying.  Ms Hayes presented medals to the children who had scored highest on Manga High, an online Maths activity which we use during Maths Week. 18 children from Ballybrown NS were medalwinners in 2020 compared to 3 in 2019.  All children in Fifth Class were presented with a certificate by Mrs Walsh for having successfully completed a Cycling Safety  course with Kieran Selly and John Clancy.  Ms Hayes also presented prizes to the winners of the class Numero leagues which are organised as part of Maths Week. To round things off, all children in Senior Infants were presented with certificates to mark their successful completion of a module of Literacy Lift Off.

                    Last Monday, Wilde Shamrock Theatre Company visited Ballybrown NS and staged a performance of The Story of Setanta  for all children from Third to Sixth classes. It was enjoyed by all.

                 Congratulations to Diarmuid Coughlan who was crowned as our Spelling Bee champion for 2020. Diarmuid will represent the school in the County Final.

                  Tomorrow, Mr Barry's class will be guests of Dell in Raheen Industrial Estate. Andy Cunningham from Dell visited the class over a six week period as part of the Junior Achievement programme and invited the class to visit the plant.

                   Next week is Engineers Week. There are activities planned for all class levels in the school. Watch this space!

                   Website: All information relating to the school, school calendar, booklists, etc  is on the website . Check in on  Twitter @BallybrownNS to keep yourself informed on school news. 

            Gach dea-ghuí,

             J. Lyons 
