Dear parents,
Mr Barry's class are collecting Aldi Rugby tokens again this year. Please hand in tokens to the School Office if you have any.
Yesterday, almost 80 grandparents of children in Junior and Senior Infants were our guests as we celebrated Grandparents Day. Thanks to Ms Keyes, Ms Neville and Mrs Fitzgerald who organised the event. Fr Mike started events with a short Prayer Service.
On Monday, Gillian from School Fitness Ireland paid her last visit to Balybrown NS for the moment as the four week module on gymnastics came to an end. The children really enjoyed the experience.
Our best wishes to the two quiz teams from the school who have qualified for the County Final of the Community Games quiz tonight. This is a great achievement.
Confirmation volunteers - The Parents Association are seeking parents from 3rd and 4th classes to volunteer for the teas/coffees for the Confirmation. This will be held on Tuesday 18Th February @ 10.30 - volunteers are required for approx 90 minutes from 11.30-1pm. Please contact Emma Harris on 085-1134368 if you can help.
Ballybrown/Clarina Community Games – Upcoming events
Handwriting – U10 and U12 Boys & Girls
Anyone interested in taking part in the Handwriting competition can you please complete an eight line poem of your choice (e.g. The Daffodils) and drop it into the Resource Centre next Wednesday 12th February. Winners will be announced Thursday and the Limerick County Final in on Saturday 15th February.
Art Competition - U8, U10, U12, U14 & U16 Boys & Girls
Anyone interested in taking part in the Art competition can you please complete a picture of your choice and drop it into the Resource Centre next Wednesday 12th February. Winners will be announced Thursday and the Limerick County Final in on Saturday 15th February.
Art Titles U12, U14 & U16 – Badminton, MiniRubgy, Choir, Outdoor Soccer, Table Tennis, Chess, One Wall Handball, Skittles, Gaelic Football or Quiz.
Art Titles U8 & U10 – Any Community Games activity.
Swimming B Competition Sunday 1st March 2020 – Askeaton Pool from 4-6pm
Swimming A competition Sunday 15thMarch 2020 – Askeaton Pool from 4-6pm
Contact Pauline Lowe on 087 8365545 or Aine Moran on 086 2070889 if you have any interest in the above events. Check out our facebook page for more details https://www.facebook.com/ballybrownclarinacommunitygames/?ref=bookmarks
Ballybrown Camogie Club will be taking 2020 registrations for U8s,U10s,
U12s and U13s age group on Friday 8th Feb between 8p.m. and 9.30 p.m.at Ballybrown G.A.A. Clubhouse. Contact us through our Ballybrown Camogie club Facebook page. New members are most welcome including any older
sisters. Contact: Lauretta Keyes Secretary Ballybrown Camogie Club. 086-8052507.
Gach dea-ghuí,
J. Lyons